Same Day Emergency Appointments
In need of an emergency appointment, especially during the COVID outbreak? Same Day appointments available.
PERIVALE PRACTICE : 0208 997 2737 | e-Mail | More Details
VILLAGE HARLINGTON : 0208 754 0085 | e-Mail | More Details

We cover all aspects of emergency dental treatment. No matter the cause, we are here to help take the pain away.
Call Now. We have times allocated for emergency treatments every day.
No registration required
Same day dentist
Same day appointments
We welcome nervous patients
Experienced dentists
What Is A Dental Emergency?
Toothache is unpleasant, but as a general guideline, the following problems are considered dental emergencies that need early attention:
Facial swelling that is getting worse rapidly
Bleeding from a tooth socket after an extraction
Injury (trauma) to your mouth, gums, or teeth.
If you are in severe pain, experiencing facial swelling, or concerned you may need emergency treatment but are not sure, please contact us to discuss and we will be happy to help and advise you.
Booking an emergency appointment
During practice hours
Perivale Practice and Harlington Village are open Monday to Friday 9.00am to 5.30pm, and saturday by appointment. If you need emergency treatment, please telephone either practice and we will make an appointment for you to see a dentist as soon as possible. We have times allocated for emergencies every day.